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Our Representatives

To be a Regional Representative of Alpha Group Capital Ltd is a privilege and an opportunity to become a partner in the ready trusted Company Alpha Group Capital Ltd . In order to become our company's Regional Representative you have to show us to have the ability to attract referrals, to help and guide them in every issue and problem that they can have, to support and promote our project in your geographic region via organizing training seminars, holding regional advertising campaigns, consulting clients on the services of the company, etc. It is a high revenue share that is discussed individually with administrative department. We offer additional bonuses such as: referral commission, partner bonus, special bonuses for responsible cooperation clients for referral commission, etc.

If you want to become a Regional Representative of our program, please email your personal details:
You should provide next information:
Your Country:
Your Name:
Your Username in our Program:
Your E-mail:
Your Language Spoken:
Your Skype:
Your Facebook or any other Social Network:
Your Telephone if it available:

If you are interested in Investellect regional representative program and wish to become our regional representative in your Country, please write at [email protected]
and Mr. Howard Hann, our Representative Program Manager, will contact you within a few days to discuss the opportunity of further cooperation.

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